Same day local delivery available on orders before 2pm, Monday to Friday
01269 841 840 0
All website items are now florist choice, we believe as we have the flowers in front of us we can choose the best blooms for you, that does not mean you have no choice there is a comment box and if you have any preferences providing we have in stock if short notice on the order we will do our best to include, beware certain flowers are seasonal so not available all year round, if you have any dislikes please also state e g lilies some people just don't like them they also can be toxic to cats please just put no lilies in the comment box, colours unless you don't state we will choose a selection we think looks lovely together and suitable for the occasion they are for however you can choose from easy options of feminine shades or colourful and vibrant or neutral, if you have a preference. We have selected three main price points for standard, medium and large but you can opt to spend any price between these any questions please feel free to contact us mobile text or call is generally the best as we may be out and about doing other orders 07886130190 shop landline 01269 841840 you can also email Please note packaging and containers may vary wherever possible we try to use the most eco-friendly packaging option. Please if you can provide a telephone number for the recipient this will only be used if we don't get an answer at the door we are still working as contactless deliveries how we do that is we place the flowers ring/knock the door and we move well away from the door if we do not get an answer we put a card through the door and return to the vehicle we can also ring then at this point, if you know the recipient is poorly we can just call and/or leave a note.